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~*Being Alone*~
I am alone,
I am so distant and understood,
A stranger in my own home,
When I speak my words are unheard,
When I triumph no one cares,
Theres no one to talk or to care,
My feelings are hurt and life is unfair.
I cry myself to sleep,
The tears stream down my face.
There is no one there to hold me,
I feel abandoned by you.
Like you never really cared,
You tell me that you do but i see past your lies,
I am use to this abandonment by now.
I care not for what you do,
I have found someone else.
A substitute for the job.
I am not alone.
I am loved and my feelings are respected,
You never respected me or my thoughts,
I never cry and i'm never abandoned,
For I am loved,
and i'm not alone.......
I am the only one who understands,
I never have to pretend,
I know the feelings and the pain inside.
I know the heartache and tears that fall,
I know the love inside.
All the emotions kept inside I know,
Strenght, beauty, and intelligance,
They are all wonderful qualities that nobody understands,
I understand these feelings I understand all the pain
For the only person I truley understand, is me!

My head fills with thoughts
I wish I knew exactly what I was feeling right now
So confused with no idea of what to do
Wanting to cry and scream out loud
I hurt inside but cant yet truly understand why
The thoughts in my head are killing me
I cannot controll the overflowing tears any longer
Shame is alive within me and I cannot kill it
My pain is starting to show
So many thoughts, So many memories
I am killing myself inside
But not yet really sure why
Eyes swelling with tears
Thoughts over fill the mind
Pain strikes the heart,
and love fades away
I'm not sure where I belong
I have come to a road block in my life,
all these feeling kept away and locked up
Riping me apart day by day,
how can words explain everything
I want to die and stop hurting,
hurting you and myself
It isn't fair to either of us
I want to be stong,
yet I am falling apart at the seems
Tears roll down my face in a steady flow
Pain I have been holding back for so long,
now released for everyone to see
Pain in my heart,
with you on my mind.
Confusion around every corner.
Straining to pull through,
but my feelings collide.
Seeing you can bring me so much pain.
Darkened by my sorrows,
I sit in a dimly lit room.
Crying out to you,
but you do not hear nor understand.
Within the light I can see darkness.
Soon to consume my soul.
Mind tormented with thoughts,
that boggle my mind,
eyes that I use to cry.
Sorrows and pain are all,
but a daily routine.
In the eyes of such a morbid world.
Escape my soul and set my heart free.